How to dream like a pro in a fantasy World

David Mihailov
5 min readJan 4, 2021
photo DM. Night Gallery 2020

I was a professional dreamer. I put my headphones on and fell asleep in a trance. I had become semi-conscious of the inner world, because I could control my dreams. I was the architect of my own World in which we escaped every night .

The first lesson a professional dreamer can learn is to flight. Of course, if you dream of flying and you didn’t set out to do so, Carl Gustav Jung urges you to take action on your unrealistic and fanciful plans. You may suffer from a delusion of grandeur, you may fall and hit bad. This would be a symbolic dream. But if you plan to fly just for fun, I suggest you start with Google Earth until you fall asleep. So the dream in the waking state starts from a concrete image.

The dream can be a drug. And when the dream becomes more beautiful than life, then the addiction sets in. Like a computer game. Because those fantastic worlds were created, I’m sure, by professional dreamers … like Jules Verne. Yes, yes, the ideas in the movie Inception with Di Caprio and the fact that you can get stuck in a dream are a bit exaggerated. But the idea is close. I had no motivation to get out of bed. Mantras and certain words work when you venture too far and want to wake up.

Every world is possible but only what exists becomes Truth. We call by the power of imagination, the future. Jules Verne created the World we live in today. And everything we think about the future is possible Worlds. But only in a certain form is become Truth. Or what we mean, Reality.

I haven’t dreamed in a long time. I am in a period of good years when I dreamed rarely and not very noticeably. Which says about me that I have a pretty normal unconscious life. I’m not looking to dream. But if I were isolated in a room, darkened, I would know that there was a possible escape. The only problem is that in the dream there is a reason for the labyrinth. When reason does not give us peace, it makes us solve problems. What better proof that the dream world must be thought phenomenologically?

The reason for the labyrinth was given to me to relive it in feverish states and delirium. And beyond all fear, the rational mind remains the most frightening prison. If people dream of immortality, of preserving the mind or transferring it, then there is certainly hell. And in this case, death is probably the most beautiful thing that can happen to us. There are other reasons in the dream: falling, flying, chasing, appearing in public places insufficiently dressed, fighting with weapons without bullets, running on the spot, etc.

But I allow myself to have psycho-dynamic dreams. Those dreams that have the role of taking over the worries of the day, conscious or unconscious and giving them a plastic expression. We call this in medical terms a function of sublimation. I know them and I don’t bother to explain them. I’m really happy. The more troubled I am, the calmer I will be the next day. These dreams do not enrich knowledge. So it is not worth the effort of interpretation in the healthy man. But they are of great importance in psychoanalytic therapy.

Psycho-somatic dreams. The heart transmits certain dreams. The liver, the lungs, we often dream when we are tired or when the oxygen in the blood decreases. About these dreams if we are careful we can find out the diagnosis or even intuit a fatal disease. The unconscious knows its body well. Any chemical change translates into a state or mood. The temperature in the room rises a little and you dream of the sea or when you are not hydrated enough running in the desert. You dream of a burning house, probably announcing pneumonia. Also here appear the premonition dreams that can anticipate death.

This is also where comfort dreams come in, when you have to wake up but still want to sleep because you dream of a mountain cottage, with a fire in the fireplace and a fur rug on the floor. We call this type of dream the Guardian of Sleep. When you want to wake up and you can’t, so as not to bring lucid elements in the dream, the Guardian of Dreams appears. It also makes you forget certain dreams or not realize that you are dreaming.

Archetypal dreams are the only ones that could be a form of knowledge that are not deduced from personal experience. Freud calls these dreams “archaic remnants.” Just as our body has a history of evolution, so does our psyche. There are those dreams that become latimotive. They could mean something more. It approaches the idea of ​​archetype. But it is easily confused with trauma dreams. With that unidentified trauma.

Here we mention another kind of dream that greatly distorts reality. In terms of abysmal psychology it is actually dream censorship or condensation. The dream undergoes an extension, a distortion / condensation, in order not to escape elements from the subconscious to the conscious. For super-conscious, moral, ethical, rational, social, religious, scientific reasons, these dreams are more used in a hurry of metaphors and symbolic images to distort the manifest content.

This type of dream works well with people who have suffered trauma, neurosis, hysteria, chronic depression, etc.

Freud, for example, sees in a dream a symbolic surrogate of rational thought processes. The material from which the dream is formed is called latent dream content. The dream itself is the manifest dream content. The process by which the dream is formed from scattered images is called labor. So by no means can this be a form of knowledge. The content of the dream expressed nothing more than the material from which it was formed. In this case the conscious life of the individual.

I believe in a dynamic interpretation of dreams. But only when conscious life demands it. Becoming a professional dreamer is a form of alienation. Of course we like to romanticize, to say that the catatonic madman is a dreamer stuck in a dream. It’s just that in a dream we can’t know anything more than who we are. Maybe we can know ourselves better, but we can not know an objective, external, independent fact, outside of experience. For example, we cannot find existential answers.

However, it remains an unexplored possibility to know the archaic, archetypal dreams.

They contain valuable information about our past and future. We may not know what man is, where he is going, but at least what we can do, what we are capable of. They are the symbols of dreams that could save us as a species. I think it would be a good form of resistance and communication when any right is taken away from us. It is good not to know yet what we are capable of. Because you can oppose a supra-rational force only through an irrational, archetypal, primitive symbolic life.



David Mihailov

Studies in Social Sciences, Art, History, Philosophy, Criminology, Anthropology.